TOP 10 Winter Safety Tips


Health & Safety
TOP 10 Winter Safety Tips

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Weather conditions can change very rapidly especially during colder temperatures. Winter weather not only brings slippery road conditions but icy walking surfaces and the possibility of cold stress for those spending prolonged time outdoors.

Be prepared for potential winter hazards by taking a few extra steps - (10 to be exact) to plan ahead in order to stay safe and to prevent an accident or injury for someone else.


1. Inspect your Vehicle

Check your vehicle’s safety including tires for adequate tread and tire pressure. Your ability to maneuver on wintry roads depends on this which is why it is #1 on our list!


2. Emergency/First Aid Kit

Carry an Emergency Kit (flashlight, warming blankets, flares) and First Aid Kit inside your vehicle.


3. Always bring a Cell Phone

This tip is simple but very important! Never leave home without your cell phone.


4. Clean off your Vehicle

Remove snow and ice from your vehicle before you get on the road. You don’t like when your car is hit by flying snow and ice melting off other vehicles – neither does anyone else.


5. Allow Extra Time

Leave early to allow extra time to arrive at your destination. Slow down and arrive safely.


6. Monitor Road Conditions

Once you get on the road, go slow and monitor your traction to check road conditions. If you start to slide, take your foot off of the brake.


7. Brake Cautiously

Brake smoothly and always in plenty of time to slow down for turns and bends in the road. Avoid braking once you enter a turn/bend.


8. Clear Walking Paths

This tip is simple but very important! Never leave home without your cell phone.


9. Dress for the Weather

Dress for the cold weather with waterproof boots, layers of insulative protective clothing, hats, and gloves that cover ears. Be sure to wear all necessary PPE needed at work.


10. Stay Hydrated!

Staying hydrated is not a Summer sport - Even in the Winter be sure to stay hydrated, drink warm liquids and take frequent breaks to warm up when working outside.


Also, be aware of potential hazards not only at work but wherever you are. If you see something, say something! If we all take ownership, then we can help to not only keep ourselves safe but others as well.
