New Tradebe Customer Portal

New Tradebe Customer Portal

The New Tradebe Customer Portal  Connecting your needs


A new version of the Tradebe Customer Portal is now available, featuring a redesigned and user-friendly platform that provides customers with one single place to manage all their daily needs.


ACCESS HERE if you already have a user account established.

REQUEST ACCESS if you are an existing customer but don't have a user account established.


The Tradebe Customer Portal brings simplicity and efficiency to data and documentation management and creates a space for interaction between Tradebe and its customers, presenting 6 main functionalities:

  • Profiles: complete management of waste stream profiles, including the submission of new profiles for approval and online recertifications.
  • Orders: summary of all orders and status tracking, with easy access to all their related documentation.
  • Invoices: access to all account invoices for online consultation, downloading, or printing, as well as notifications for newly available invoices.
  • Reporting: customized reports for waste shipment or spending summaries based on multiple parameters.
  • Customer Data: management of account data with ability to request modifications online.
  • Notifications: in-portal and/or e-mail notifications support the activity of all functionalities. Settings can be personalized.

As a result, user accounts benefit from streamlined flows of information, expedited management of their daily needs, and immediate self-service access.


Customer testimonials:

"This was an excellent addition. Well thought out. I see waste approvals in 1 day!"

"The new system is a big improvement in most areas over the old one."

"I love it! What a fantastic tool. I am still getting used to the (new) portal and look forward to getting to be an expert!!!"



Click here to download our brochure: